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The Ultimate Character Creator

Created for PIGSquad Summer Slow Jams June 2022

"Unintended Consequences"

Play the prototype here:

You have the power of the most robust customization tool ever created - deoxyribonucleic acid!  Change the base pairs to alter a component of your character.

I thought this was a neat enough idea to do some work on it, but between a busy schedule and far too much rust to shake off of my game dev skills, I wanted to put something together to participate in the jam.  Hence, a prototype slapped together in Scratch.  I didn't want all the time I spent going through a crash course in taxonomy and DNA to go to waste ;)

Will I find the time to create a version of this in Unity as I had imagined? I'd like to think so, but don't hold your breath.

Design update plans:

  • Recreate this in Unity to incorporate some cool 3D assets and animations
  • The base-pair sequences are planned to be a LOT more robust - not a simple 1-to-1 association as seen here.  
    • Each feature would have several base pairs that set its own color - creating a RGB hex code out of four base-4 options (math!)
    • I designed out several tables of options, rather than the 3 or 4 I have in the prototype. Set to be an addition process of sorts, to allow the player a little more "fun" in clicking and trying to discover the combinations needed for the desire outcome (tying a bit more into the "unintended consequences" theme) rather than "this one base-pair changes this one feature".
  • A "Generate" button, so you don't quite know what you end up with until you're finished.

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